Shut up Get out

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Reality teevee is always at the top of the list. We had ROL 2, FOL3, Shot of Love2 and my current favorite--WIPEOUT!! OMG--have you SEEN this show? It is freaking hysterical! I can't believe they have convinced people that this was a good idea. You just KNOW that they had to sign a shit load of waivers. Oh, I guess I better explain the premise of the show. It's this ginormous obstacle course with obstacles that are basically designed to throw you on your ass or your face. They have this obstacle that I refer to as the "Whack a Dumbass". It's like a giant whack-a-mole board that is vertical that the contestant and I use the term loosely must walk a narrow ledge in front of. Usually they get cold cocked right upside the head and whoops--right into a mud pit. I can think of 2 people at least that I would like to send to the Whack a Dumbass board.

Shot of Love 2--I hated SOL1, but got sucked into a second season mainly because Bo was hot. Too bad Tila didn't choose him-oh no--she chose Kristy, who said NO, I'm NOT interested in a shot at love with you. That wasn't the funny part. The funny part was the fake ass crying Tila was doing after it. Um, it looks better if you actually HAVE some tears in your eyes. srsly.

Let's talk about Hottie McHotterson. Okay-let's not, but he's hot. And I like him.

That's about all I've got today, but I wanted to get this posted before I saw Bubba and he asked me why I haven't updated the blog lately. The answer to that is simple. Because I'm a lazy ass blogger and have to be inspired. Believe me, I think I will have a LOT of inspiration when I get back from San Antonio next week. Peace and have a happy 4th.


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