Shut up Get out

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Remember the movie "When Harry Met Sally" and he tells he when he meets her that men and women can really never be friends because sex gets in the way? And she disagrees with him and the entire movie follows their respective lives until they have sex and it gets in the way? But then it doesn't.

I have a male friend who has asked me to make a deal with him, that we will be friends without "fringe benefits". The purpose behind this request is several fold, I guess. First of all, one of us is single, one is not. Second, he says that he wants to grow the eff up and learn to (his words) like/love a woman "without fringe benefits". And third, he wants me to learn to trust men. (I have had a lot of really bad relationships).

I'm sure that by now you are yawning, looking for something else to read, but stay with me. The complicating factor is that we both like each other. A lot from what I can tell. He can banter as well as me and he can take a clue like no one's business. Plus, we share a brain. Which scares me. For example, I had a day off awhile back and I stopped by the Krispy Kreme donut place because the HOT sign was on. I was describing, in detail, to him how much I love KK donuts and that if someone would bring them to me on a regular basis--I would give them a blow job. He didn't miss a beat when he said, "I'll bring you a dozen--that's good for 6." That's what I mean when he doesn't miss a beat.

So we came up with THE DEAL. And we have to shake on it so that it is binding. No weaseling out. I'm seeing a living document in THE DEAL. That it can change if circumstances requires it to do so. For now, I'm content knowing that there is someone I can count on for a laugh on a daily basis, someone who gives good advice and someone who will bring me KK donuts and run a tab. And I'm good with that.


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