Shut up Get out

Friday, November 11, 2005

THERE ARE FRIENDS, THERE ARE GOOD FRIENDS AND THERE ARE GREAT FRIENDS. And this becomes very apparent when you haven't seen someone for over a year and you pick up where you left off and everything is just as effin' funny now as it was then.

My friend Erika came over last night, bearing likker--always a good sign--to see my new house. She got to listen to the drama which is my life and I got to listen to some of the funniest shit I have ever heard. She's always telling me I'm funny, but she can hold her own--believe me.

Most of last night's conversation centered around sex. Now that right there makes her a good friend, but when she told me about getting busted at 16 by a cop behind a convenience store--that makes her a great friend. The tag line of the story was "OF COURSE I'M HERE OF MY OWN FREE WILL. I WAS ON TOP, WASN'T I?" i swear to god, I have never laughed that hard in my life.

Great friends also have your back. Even if you could possibly be wrong in the matter. But they don't care. You are always right to them. Great friends sent you snarky shirts to wear in appropriate moments. You also return the favor by sending a box of crap--literally-- to someone they hate. Actually, it was the other way around, but we are partners in snark. Great friends talk you into going to a business meeting a day early so you can stay with them. Great friends eat waffles in your honor. Great friends call you a couple of times a day. Great friends can quote movies and know what the hell you are talking about when you in turn quote movies.

I have a friend that I think is a good friend. It is a relatively new friendship, but I am comfortable telling all kinds of stories about myself. I see the potential for a great friendship and possibly more. A foundation of friendship is going to be important in the relationship. It is the strongest bond because people who are truly your friend will remain your friend, no matter what.


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