Shut up Get out

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I spent the last 5 days in Washington, DC. The flight out there isn't so bad, but the flight home lasts approximately 12 hours. Sometimes longer if you have a dumbass sitting next to you. I had an aisle seat coming home, which was good because I'm semi-claustrophobic and it was a FULL flight. The dumbass, I mean woman, sitting next to me takes foreffinever to settle in. Then she has the volume turned up so loud on her headset that I swear they could hear in in the cockpit. But the pee-ess day resistance was when she took her lunch out of her briefcase. She brought SUSHI on a plane. Sushi stinks and on a full-ass flight where there is no where to go, it stinks even worse. What the hell would possess you to bring raw effin' fish (bait) on a flight that lasts forever and no fresh air to get rid of that stench. I'm just sayin. I wanted to yak.

Now I'm not gonna begrudge anyone what they like to eat, but for the love of God--do NOT bring BAIT on a 12 hour, okay 4 hour flight. She was a damn lawyer for crap's sake. (I saw her 'stationary', she works for the city of Sacramento.) Never mind. Lawyer. Most of them aren't exactly mindlful of other people that have to breathe the same air as them. But really, consider what you are gonna be putting into the airwaves before you decide what to bring on a plane. And if you are sitting next to me--you better have the barf bag ready if it's sushi.


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