Shut up Get out

Monday, November 21, 2005


As you probably know from previous posts, I have an issue with sharing my feelings. I just don't have many beyond "Happy" and "Not so happy". Well, twice in the past week, thoughts other than those two slipped out--quite beyond my control. Not really, but it makes me feel better to say that.

I would also have to say that these two separate incidents would have to be the biggest eff ups I've had in quite a while. The first one, the words just came flying out of my mouth before I could stop them. I'm not going into detail about this one, but suffice it to say, it was almost as bad as dropping the eff bomb in front of my mom. Not nearly as obscene, but more shocking and the response was even more shocking. I will have to pretend it never happened unless the other person involved brings it up. Then I may have to acknowledge it. Outloud. And come up with a damn good explanation for it.

The other incident has ruined something really wonderful, I fear. When someone asks me something, I need to tell them what THEY want to hear, not how I really feel. Herein lies the problem--when I am compelled to SHARE MY EFFIN' FEELINGS AT YOUR REQUEST--PLEASE DO NOT FREAK OUT. And this is why I don't share my feelings. I told someone that I really like exactly what I thought about him. I don't think he expected it, expecially because I meant every effin' word. So I have learned yet another crappy life lesson. When someone asks about your feelings, don't tell them what you really think. It could ruin the greatest friendship between the opposite sexes ever.

From this point on, I will NOT be sharing my feelings with ANYONE. I am either happy or not happy and will remain this way until further notice. It's safer that way and no one will be uncomfortable about it afterward.


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