Shut up Get out

Monday, June 12, 2006

Since last week's events, I haven't really felt like writing anything. Even though my friend's death was expected, the shock was no less when it was finally over. But I know Sarah would have wanted us to laugh about something. It's just how she was. So today's entry will be a variety of things I have found funny recently.

I drive a rural "highway" on my way to softball every Sunday. They have just finished resurfacing said highway. Repainted the lines and everything. Get this. There was some kind of squished gunky (road kill) in the middle of the road and instead of scraping it up, they rolled it flat and painted right over it. So here is this dead whatever, with a double yellow line painted right over it. Don't ask me why I thought it was funny--I just do.

Last night at the softball game--I volunteered to catch for an inning because all of us hate to do it. Problem is--it really hurts me to throw a ball. I can bat without much pain, but throwing about makes me want to puke. Anyway, I'm all crouched down behind the plate and catch the first ball and hand it to the umpire to throw back to the pitcher. He didn't mind and I even explained why it was necessary. He was very nice about it. I got back to the dug out and the guys were giving me a bad time about it. They asked me if I had ever seen Major League II with the catcher who couldn't throw the ball back to the pitcher. I had and I called them a bunch of a-holes. Laughing of course.

There was a pop fly last night that our shortstop jumped about 4 feet in the air to catch and the guy on second had taken off. He turned around to go back and I was already at second. The SS fired that ball back to me and I caught it as I was sliding into the base (The field was wet from a huge rainstorm!) The runner was out and that was the 3rd out. As we were going back into the dugout, one of the young kids on the team said "Way to get a toe on the base!" I just laughed because it was one of those Lucky plays and as I always say--I'd rather be lucky than good.

I put one to right field last night and one of the young kids was coaching first and he said--when did you become an opposite field hitter? I told him since about halfway through the season last year. I actually can place a ball now. They don't expect girls in co-ed to hit opposite field so it is a guaranteed base hit for me. I don't even need an outside pitch anymore. We won 15-0.


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