Shut up Get out

Monday, November 27, 2006


The time of year where you're just sitting at your desk and something comes on the radio that you almost break 3 ribs trying to get to the off switch before you hear too much more of it. That's right--the time of year that they play Christmas music. Now, don't get me wrong--there is an awful lot of it that I like. HOWEVER, there is a lot of it I don't. The Christmas shoes song for example makes me want to hunt down the composer and bitch slap him. Same with the "animal" songs--dogbarking jingle bells, catmeowing jingle bells. That bastard ought to be locked in a room and made to listen to those effing songs for 30 days. Then he can kiss my ass.

Some people LOVE the songs that I hate. I don't fault them. They're half crazy, but I can't fault them.


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