Shut up Get out

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I have had the best couple of days.

First of all, I have decided that I absolutely love the I farted on Santa's lap song. It cracks me up. The intro sounds like something you'd hear at an elementary school concert with just the piano. I need to find a kid to teach it to and make him sing it every year until I can't play piano any more. Yes, I mean when said kid is 40, he will still be singing that song. I don't know WHY I think it's funny (well, I do know why, but I don't want to discuss it here. There is another person involved and evidently, HE doesn't think it's as funny as I do, but nonetheless, I think of him every time I hear that song.) As a matter of fact--my day is NOT complete until I hear that song on the radio. I mean, my heart literally races when I hear that intro.

So, today, there was a big discussion of the Christmas Pickle on the radio show I listen to. Last year when I went to the drag queen Christmas pageant/show, there were two gay guys there with Santa Hats that had pickles attached. Now I know what the hell that was all about. Anyway--they started talking about "Hide the Pickle" and I almost had to pull over I was laughing so hard. I really am beginning to think I'm immature. But DAMN, it was funny.

Well, I need to start thinking about the Dear Santa letter, so stay tuned.


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