Shut up Get out

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Some days, I just don't want to get out of bed. Today it was mostly because bed was warm and outside bed was 24 degrees. (not in my house, but you get my point)

Have you ever divorced a friend? Because they did something so heinous that you just couldn't even be civil to them anymore? Well, this situation really isn't like that, but said "friend" is about to lose me out of his life.

This friend is the Poster Boy for Bad Decisions (hereinafter PBBD). Most of the time, his Bad Decisions did not directly affect me per se. However, the latest Bad Decision affects me big time and it affects me enough that he doesn't need to speak to me, maybe ever again. PBBD doesn't seem to think anything is wrong with his behavior. Ballz thinks differently. PBBD keeps making the same kind of Bad Decision over and over again. Isn't that the definition of insanity? That you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result?

Anyway--the latest round of bad decision making may cost him me. At the very least, I should send him the Ugly Loser Monkey currently sitting in my office for getting voted off Survivor last week. I will bring my digital camera and take a picture of it.


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