Shut up Get out

Monday, December 05, 2005


I don't mind Christmas music, but I will make an exception for certain songs. I'm afraid today I heard something that sent me over the edge. The Cat Meowing Nutcracker Suite. Whoever came up with that needs his nuts cracked. Oh my God. I can tolerate the Dogs barking Jingle Bells--barely. But I don't like the Nutcracker anyway (It all stems back to Mr. Sensitive, who is an ex-boyfriend. The first year we dated, he told me that he saw the Nutcracker ever year--it was a TRADITION with him--so I got him tickets to the ballet (red flag anyone?) When we got there, he was acting like a 5 year old on crack--turns out he had never actually BEEN to the ballet--he had just always DREAMED about it. WTF?) I digress.

There are other holiday songs that make me want to yack as well--Christmas Shoes, Christmas Carol, Pretty Paper--see a theme here? But the one I heard today really gives me hives. Celine Dion singing Blue Christmas. I'm having a real issue with a skinny Canadian singing Elvis' song. Just doesn't do it for me. I don't care how good a singer she thinks she is--No one can sing Elvis like Elvis did.

Many other people feel the same way about Christmas music, but I think a lot of them hate it just because they started playing it 24-7 on one radio station about November 1. Don't even get me started on the Political Correctness of the holidays because the words that will come out of my mouth will make the infant deity cry (thanks to one of my friends for that gem).


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