Shut up Get out

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

TODAY IS MY FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR!! No, it's not because it's the solstice and I am not a witch (although I have been called something close and I have a male friend that calls my female friends The Coven--which they are flattered by, just so you know). It is because it is FIRE DRILL DAY! The day I can piss off everyone at once. I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ!!! Oh my God, it makes me laugh every time I hit the alarm button. My job is to set off the alarm and then stand there and watch people exit the building. With a pissed off look on their face.

Oh come on people--it's 70 degrees outside, pleasant, not too hot or too cold and you get to be away from your desk for 15-20 minutes. Think of it as an extra break. But no--people like to see the worst. So, I take great personal pride in knowing I can piss off 90 people all in one fell swoop.

So, I'm having a mini snickers or two to celebrate. Well, that may be PMS related. But I'm still having them.


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