Shut up Get out

Monday, November 26, 2007

NO, THERE'S NO LIQUID IN THAT BOX, and other adventures in lying.

This past weekend was my annual Christmas Card swap. I have done it for 5 years now. The woman who used to do it found herself in the middle of Katrina, so a friend and I took over for her that year, because we hated to see the tradition die. Then the next year, something else happened, so we asked if we could do it again and this woman graciously turned her baby over to me.

So each year, it seems like there is a "theme". It may be unofficial, but it shows up. Most of the theme consists of sending me likker and chocolate along with the handmade cards. Yes, I had some people who did not follow that rule this year, but most sent along something for me. This year, I got enough travelers to last me through all but a week long blizzard. Y'all remember me not having any alcohol, a recently surgicalized shoulder and a snow storm that took me 3 days to shovel out of. The important part of that sentence is no alcohol and being stuck in a house with only percocet to put me out of my misery.

So this year's theme was "Prison". It's a very long story, but in order to provide continuity, my peeps have found a prison message board that provides hours of entertainment. The cards this year were the best since I've been doing the swap. And so was the alcohol, I might add.

One friend, the Procrastinator, got her package to the PO on Wednesday. They were due to me on Friday. The post office person asked her if there was any liquid in the package. The Procrastinator says--nooooooo, it's those glass bulbs with the liquidy stuff in it. Then she leaves me a voice mail that says--I CAIN'T EVEN LIEEEE RIGHT!!!

So the package gets there and it is a heavy one. As soon as I picked it up--even "I" could tell there was liquid in it. The sumbitch SLOSHED!!! So curiosity got the best of me and I opened it. It was a 1.75 L of PRE-MIXED White Russians. THE BIG BOTTLE!! Which immediately went in my fridge to chill so I could have one with dinner. She said she sent the PRE-MIXED to keep in the spirit of her slack assed Christmas cards. And her cards made me laugh--even though I gave her the best idea ever. Which she forgot.

So the cards are all sorted and ready to mail. but I have to BEG someone to send me one of their cards. I figure that since I host, that they shouldn't be making extras for me. But there were a couple that are fridge worthy.


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