Shut up Get out

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Not the sandwich kind, the people kind. I'm not sure I spelled it right, but I'm talking about the kind that you admire (and maybe that is the sammich for you).

I'm talking about my friend the Marine today. Will Rogers said "Not everyone can be a hero. Some of us have to sit on the sidewalk and clap as they walk by."

My friend is a hero in my eyes. In about 6 weeks, he will be in Iraq for 7 months. He is a hero to his son and his family and his professional colleagues. He may not think of himself as a hero, but he is. He is serving his country with pride and representing all of us. He is brave and compassionate and some days, I wish I were more like him. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for him.

I already miss him and I will miss him every day until he gets back home safely. And when he gets home, there I'll be. Sitting on the sidewalk, clapping.

Semper Fi. More than you will ever know.


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