Shut up Get out

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I don't believe I've ever yelped in a doctor's office before--but I did today. See, I've been having shoulder pain. And a lot of it. Last night when I was working out, I was on the butterfly press machine and I literally could not push the thing together--I didn't have the strength and it hurt so g.d. bad, I almost cried.

I called the ortho today--I couldn't remember his name, only that it started with a "Z" and it was Greek and he was hot. I stopped at the first 2 descriptors. Found the right guy and got in because he had a cancellation. When he was putting me through the range of motion tests, I yelped. A couple of times. He said, you must really hurt because I know how tough you are. Scheduled me for an MRI on Monday, I will find out Thursday if I need surgery. I told him--you know, this is really gonna eff up my softball season if I have to have surgery and he said--in a big way.

Then someone reminded me of something that made me laugh. A couple of years ago when I was in Mississippi on a girl's weekend with a few thousand of my best friends--someone wore ASSLESS chaps to one of the events. Now what went on in that woman's mind that she decided it was okay to show her fake tanned stretch marked ass. I can barely put mine in a swim suit and show it in public. No, I am not kidding. This really happened. Someone asked what they should wear to an event and my very good friend replied, "Anything, as long as it is comfortable. Except assless chaps." I could not agree more.


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