Shut up Get out

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I have been thinking of. The first thing is--when I was sitting in the emergency room, bleeding on Sunday night, the doctor asked me "What do you do for a living?" I replied 'Safety Manager' and she started laughing. Now why the eff is that funny? Even safety managers bleed profusely occasionally. To be honest, I laughed as well. But just because I am in safety, doesn't mean that I am infallible to accidents. I'm just sayin.

My dog Elvis is the best dog in the whole world. He is loving and sweet with an occasional day of pissiness (he is a terrier after all). Last night, there was a hoot owl, who insisted on hooting. Elvis would bark--once--every time the owl hooted. Elvis finally went outside to carry on the conversation, which was irritating me to no end. One bark, 2 hoots. One bark, 2 hoots. It went on for about 15 minutes. Then the owl ran out of things to say. Now, this may not seem strange to you, but I have lived in my town for about 6 years and have never heard an owl at night. AND I don't have any trees in my back yard, so where the hell was this thing sitting?

Latest ex-PITA story--got an email detailing how HE had to refinance the house we owned together for 25K more than the original mortgage was. Well, he neglected to mention in this email that the reason he had to re-finance that much more was because HE bought a motorcycle and a blazer with the HEL credit. I didn't have anything to do with it. No, I'm not answering the email. I told you I was done. I didn't even really read the whole email because it just went on and on. blah blah blah.


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