Shut up Get out

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

SOME PEOPLE ARE LIKE SLINKIES: Not really good for anything, but bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.

I just read that this morning and I think it is the funniest thing I read this week. Someone pointed out that it applies to my ex-PITA and I couldn't agree more. Some people are just so pathetic, they piss you off because they are on the same planet. He is one of those people to me. During the breakup from hell (which actually took place 2 years ago, but didn't physically happen until last summer), he actually told me that he had been miserable for a long time and wanted to split the sheets much sooner. But when I actually said I was moving out--he went off the deep end and started the "I love you's" and I just want you to be happy crap. Okay--if he was so miserable--why didn't he just leave and make it easy for me. Then I would have been HAPPY!

I just got a couple of emails from him telling me that (and I'm paraphrasing here) he was screwing me out of my tax refund this year, but all he ever wanted was for me to be happy. I did send back some rather pointed thoughts, but at least I refrained from saying "Well, it was the best screwing I ever got from you."

All I've got to say about that is--Karma will bitch slap him when he least expects it. I also told him that I would be happy to take the dog away from him that I possess ownership papers for--my name only on them. That was a mean thing to say, but whatever.

Getting back to the fact that I love my life a lot more now that I don't have to see him at all. It is really a nice thing to go home, workout, change into very unattractive sweat pants and sit your ass on the couch until it's time to go to bed. Only because I did that LAST night, I have to go home and work on Valentine cards tonight and clean my house so that my new dog sitter doesn't have to put up with a dirty house when she is sitting my brats last week.

I'm looking forward to going to Orlando. It's business, not pleasure, but I'm sure I can find some fun at night. Not looking for trouble though. Had enough of that to last me for awhile.

A quick snarky note regarding Idol--WHY OH WHY do people return to audition when they've been told that they SUCK!? Like growing your hair out is gonna change your voice? And I loved the psychic that said she didn't feel like sharing her prediction about Idol this season--well, here, I feel like sharing my prediction about her. She will always suck as a singer and her skills as a "manager' really aren't that good either. Oh yeah, and she's not that accurate as a psychic either.


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