Shut up Get out

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


It just goes to show you that once you take control over shit that's making you unhappy and make a change--EVERYTHING changes. Granted, my change was massive--got rid of a PITA that was making me miserable, buying my own house and basically starting over again, but crap, even a small change is guaranteed to bring you some happiness in your life. Don't like what you have had for breakfast everyday for 20 years--have something different--what's stopping you. Don't like the brand of underwear you've worn for 20 years--there's no law about throwing it all out and starting over.

I just want to breathe in my life right now. I love being able to wear a huge t-shirt to bed with boxers that don't come close to matching, just because it is comfortable and I've been having some pretty spectacular dreams while wearing said shirt. I love being able to crash on the couch immediately after dinner with my two dogs and talking about how bad the singers are on American Idol (and I use that term loosely). I love how Simon is a pure asshole on American Idol and how much he laughed last night. I love getting a text message first thing in the morning that was sent after midnight last night, just because someone was thinking about me. I love being able to play volleyball twice a week without having to explain why. I love being able to see my friends without having to justify it.

Most of all I love getting up in the morning without feeling that elephant on my chest, back, head or wherever else he would plant his fat ass. I love being able to take a deep breath without wondering when the other shoe would drop. I love being able to have feelings for people that I would not have been able to have feelings for had I stayed in that miserable relationship. I love being able to get my snark on without having to apologize. My dogs don't give a crap and I'm pretty sure that they feel the same way.

Make a change. Take a chance. Have some faith. I've got your back.


  • At 11:42 AM, Blogger jazzi said…

    I think I love you best of all

  • At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i am so jeal-azz i could spit.


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