PEOPLE HAVE ASKED ME WHAT I THINK ABOUT BARRY BONDS breaking Hank Aaron's record. First of all, they aren't even in the same league. Hank is a true gentleman of the game. Bonds is a cheater. A steroid pumped no class cheater. The fact that he will hit more home runs than Hank is a given. I can't change that. But I still don't think that Barry is all that HE thinks he is. It's well known that he is a prima donna and a whiner. I'm kind of like Bud Selig on this matter--don't really care. And I think that a lot of people who follow baseball are exactly like me. I thought Hank Aaron summed it up well. He said "I'm an old man. I'm not getting on a plane for Barry Bonds." Don't blame you at all.
I remember when Hank hit 750. I was watching that game. It happened when I was 14 years old. I remember how excited I was. I called someone and they didn't give a rat's behind. I called another friend and she happened to be watching as well. She wasn't as thrilled as I was, but she understood. As far as I'm concerned, Bonds should have an astrisk by his name. Those who follow the game will understand.
I remember when Hank hit 750. I was watching that game. It happened when I was 14 years old. I remember how excited I was. I called someone and they didn't give a rat's behind. I called another friend and she happened to be watching as well. She wasn't as thrilled as I was, but she understood. As far as I'm concerned, Bonds should have an astrisk by his name. Those who follow the game will understand.