Shut up Get out

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Read the previous post about the Great Cookie Debacle of 2007. Today was gift day at work. Someone handed me homemade cookies and a card. That right there--is irony at its best.

Peace out, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Merry Boxing Day and Happy Eid. I'll be back after the first of the year. If not before.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

THE GREAT COOKIE DEBACLE OF 2007 Well, technically, it wasn't a debacle by definition. It was more of a What the Fuck did you do moment. I took Friday off because I had a date Saturday and I came to the panicked realization that I was leaving town in 8 short days and still had a crap load of things to do. So Friday morning, I went to the Wal to pick up some last minute things need for baking. Get home, eat breakfast and start mixing cookie dough. I was making sugar cookies. Sugar cookies are a giant pain in the ass. I only make them a couple times a year. The mixing part of sugar cookies--not a pain in the ass thanks to my badass KitchenAid mixer.

The rolling, baking and frosting part=pain in the ass.

So, I wanted to make some extra and I THOUGHT the recipe made 3 dozen. So I doubled it. 4 hours later, while I was STILL rolling out and cutting cookies, I started thinking--there is something wrong here. So I looked at the recipe again and it makes SIX DOZEN COOKIES. TWELVE FUCKING DOZEN COOKIES AND 7 HOURS LATER, I am finally done.

But they truly are the best cookies you will ever eat in your life.