Shut up Get out

Friday, September 29, 2006


I don't get this. Yes--I understand that you have a right to express your opinion, but when did it become socially acceptable to think your opinion is the only one that matters and that you have the right to call others a bunch of effing morons if they don't agree with you. Effing moron might not be the specific statement made, but it was close. Frankly--I don't give a crap if you don't like someone, but you know--you don't need to post it all over the internet and then explain it away by "I was just having fun" or "I have the right to say what I want."

This is what I'm talking about. Yes--you have the right to say what you want--if you didn't, that would be "censorship", but for Christ's sake--don't you have the common sense and decorum to keep your g.d. mouth shut if it's gonna hurt someone's feelings and you KNOW it will.

I gotta tell you--I'm more than a little surprised at the number of people I know that will show their asses in public just for the sake of a little opinion expressing. Nobody is really all that interested. Trust me on this one. Myself--I don't give a crap about the in-fighting that goes on. Shit, if you can't get along--don't go there any more. It isn't rocket science. Y'all are a lot smarter than that and it really takes you down a few notches in my view when you do it.

The only reason shit is controversial is because YOU can't quit expressing your opinion about it. The rest of us have moved on. It WASN'T controversial to start with and the only reason it was made so is because 1 or two--ONE OR TWO people made it that way. The rest of you should have just minded your own g.d. business because you weren't interested in it to start with, but you HAD to have an opinion on it--EVEN THOUGH IT DIDN'T AFFECT YOU. You don't HAVE to have an opinion on every topic in the world. I'd just as soon you didn't because you bore me and I think you are hateful people who have nothing better to do than stir up shit.

In the meantime, I will be enjoying the fact that my favorite baseball player is in the playoffs and I hope he gets another ring because he deserves it. He doesn't feel the need to express his effing opinion every time he opens his mouth. No wonder I love him best.

Monday, September 18, 2006

ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST. As you know--I have been at war with mice. I hate them and they seem compelled to move into my house at random. When I was off on surgical leave, I caught one and though I was doing a favor by letting it go (I have a live trap). After the little fucker ran over my foot and made me do the mouse dance, I swore that I would never do it again.

Actually, the swearing part came when I came downstairs one morning and saw that one of his relatives had chewed through an 8 dollar can of mixed nuts. At that point, I swore no mouse would leave my house alive ever again and that I would nail his carcass to the garage as a warning to all future mice. One of the guys I work with thought I should post little sticky notes "No mice allowed" "Mice go away". I seriously considered it.

So Saturday, I opened my pantry to feed my dogs and something REEKED in there. I was pretty sure it was dead mouse stench, so I had to look for it. But first I had to have some alchohol to up my bravery factor just a bit. Elvis was really interested in the live trap I keep set in there and finally I looked behind the trap. Well, the stupid son of a bitch mouse had gotten stuck in the entry of the live trap. The stupid bastard didn't even have the common sense or decency to let the trap throw him into the live part of the trap. 1/2 of his mouse ass was hanging out and 1/2 was in. Can you even effing believe it.

So I put my gloves on and take it to the garage to empty out the thing into the trash can. The mouse is stuck. Can't get him out and I'll be damned if "I" touch it. So I decide to leave him in the trap in the garage until he stops stinking. At that point, I will try to shake him out again or bring him to work and have the guys deal with it.

Obviously, mice are not the brightest creatures on God's earth, but Jesus Christ--you'd think number one, they would talk amongst themselves and spread the word that I am a mouse killer and number 2--how can they NOT use a live trap properly--it's not like they have to actually THINK! You don't just die 1/2 way in! whatever.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

TRULY A STELLAR MOMENT IN MY LIFE so you know PMS had something to do with it. I was walking my dogs in the park yesterday after work, which is my custom. I walk my dogs 365 days a year, once a day during the week, twice on weekends. Last night, I noticed a woman that I have had issues with on one other occasion. She is a dumbass who does not leash her dog in the park. There is a 10 foot sign at the entrance to the park that lists the "rules" and one is that dogs have to be on a leash. Her dog seems friendly, but the dog is huge and doesn't listen to it's idiot owner. It is probably a young dog, but my terriers do not take kindly to dogs who charge up to them and expect to play. There has to be some butt sniffing involved first.

So the big galoot of a dog comes bounding up and I'm yelling at the owner to get her dog on a leash. She's meandering around and my dogs immediately go into play position. Then the dog gets a bit agressive, so Ed takes it upon himself to start growling and barking. The woman isn't making any move to get her dog on a leash, so I start screaming at her that her dog is supposed to be on a fucking leash. She says "Un huh, not in the park" I tell her it's on the g.d. sign at the park entrance and this dumb broad says "What sign" YOU CAN'T MISS IT! IT'S 10 EFFING FEET TALL AND IN BOTH ENGLISH AND SPANISH.

This stupid broad starts telling me that my dogs are mean and that they don't wanna play and that I shouldn't be allowed to bring my dogs to the park, never effing mind that she still does not have her dog under control and is making no move to do so. Then she made the mistake of coming toward me shaking her finger and yelling that my dogs are mean and Ed took exception to this and bit her on the ass. Well, he didn't actually get her ass, which is a miracle because it was huge, he actually just got the hem of her shorts. But she went away. Of course, she had to plead her case to the teenagers on the b-ball court who had witnessed the whole thing. I'm pretty sure they didn't give a crap one way or the other.

The point is, and I do have one, I walk every day in the park. I've seen HER twice and both times, her dog has NOT been on a leash and both times I've had problems with HER. My dogs do not do that to other dogs on a leash. They are always on a leash and I am grateful that Ed is that protective since I have a crazy ex who lives in the same town and i never know when he will show his ass. Ed got an extra cookie.