Now this is the kicker. I asked him if the ambulance took him to the hospital and he said, No, your mom drove me. I asked him how the hell he got into the car with a broken hip? He said the 2 neighbors helped him. I asked, well, didn't that hurt a lot? He said, No, I didn't know I was broke then.
I asked him--so did the pain get a lot worse when you found out you were broke? He said, well, yes, it hurt a bit more.
My old man is tough. No wonder I don't bitch until I get miserable. It's genetic. He's only broken one other thing in his 90 years. His foot--when he was skiing and he had to drive a VW bug (standard tranny) back to Denver from A-basin. That's tough. I've had to do that before. Not a 1958 Bug (or whatever year it was--I just know it was pre-me).
He had surgery yesterday and he said he was doing fine. I got the story about how he was not to blame in this mess--rather the tree branch that broke. Oh, and he was starving because he hadn't gotten anything good to eat. My sister told me about the lovely chicken broth that he had in front of him and he said it was the best he'd ever eaten. I called bs on him. But I'm glad he is doing well. The doc said he should be playing golf in 3 weeks. The doc also said that he is in excellent shape for a 90 year old. I guess it does pay to get off the couch every once in awhile.
Good thing I'm just like him, in both temperment (stubborn) and athletic ability. Oh and I can blame inanimate objects for causing me harm--just like him. But I think I will actually give up ladder climbing before my 80th birthday. Don't want to press my luck.
UPDATE: I was working a safety conference this morning and the OSHA booth was right next to mine. They have a "quick facts" card on portable ladder safety. I am soooo sending it to my Dad.