I caught that little snicker bar thieving, carb loading bastard of a mouse yesterday. I got home from my 5K and went to feed the dogs. I moved the trap into where the dog food was because I needed the counter space for my Kitchen Aid mixer (more about that later). I set one of the dishes on top of it and I noticed some movement. I looked closer and there he was!!! He was alive and of course, I got all icked out when I had to move the trap into the garage. He looks pretty D-A-I-D this morning, but I don't really care. I gave him every opportunity to leave my home peacefully and he chose not to. I'll let you know as soon as one of the guys empties the trap this morning. Yes, it's true. I transported the little effer to work so that someone else can open the trap and get rid of him.
Okay--now for the Kitchen Aid mixer story. I told someone that I would bake cookies for them, even though I hadn't baked cookies for about 20 years. I haven't really liked anyone enough to go to that effort for awhile now. I bought a Kitchen Aid mixer about 3 years ago and never opened the box. I figured now was as good a time as any. To make a long story short--I am in love with the Kitchen Aid. WHY OH WHY did I not open it sooner!? OMG, this thing made cookies so easy and I must say--damn they were good. I had to test a few--you know--to make sure they were edible? I'll give you the official report as soon as I get it. They are being mailed off today.
The crappy thing that happened yesterday--my kitchen sink backed up and omg was it gross. I had to go to KMart on the worst day of the week to go to Kmart, Walmart etc to buy a plunger and drain cleaner. After I dumped the drain cleaner in, I read the directions "DO NOT USE ON STANDING CLOGS" Well, shit. Tried the plunger--didn't do a thing. Off to the grocery store to buy more drain cleaner. After I got home with it, I decided that mixing 2 drain cleaners was not a good idea, so I called a plumber. He got there within 30 minutes, got the stupid thing unclogged and charged me $236.
The best thing that happened yesterday (other than the mouse being caught) was I did a 5K. Big deal, right? Well, just before the 2nd mile marker, I passed a guy that I have never beat before. I stayed ahead of him until almost the 3rd mile and he passed me. Now here is the cool thing, at the finish line, he turned around and waited for me to finish (I wasn't that far behind him) and he shook my hand and said Good Race. That has never happened before! Racewalkers are typically very supportive of each other, but that was very cool. I came in 2nd and got free entry into next week's race--pretty nice, considering the entry fee is $23. After paying 10 of those--the free one is a good prize.